About Us
ebelt is a registered Hong Kong brand by About Us (H.K.) Limited aims at providing quality and value for money leather goods to the consumers. Established in 2008 , EBELT has now over 10 sales points in the department stores. As a reliable brand in the market, we continue to strive for quality on all of our products and to provide value for money products to our valued customers. With our sound quality requirement, we also obtained the authorisation from Unofuku 株式会社 to sell the well known Japan Bags in Hong Kong. Uno Unofuku and Unofuku Baggex are well known brand in Japan. The company has started to manufacture travellers bags since 1921. Most of the bags are made in Japan by qualified workers. Even some styles are made outside Japan, the quality standard is the same as in Japan. We are sure that these quality bags will Carry [on] your life! In addition to the Japan Bags, we are also an Authorized Reseller for Sweden brand - Fjallraven items. Its famous backpacks Kanken and High Coast series are popular items for the active people in the world.
About Us (H.K.) Limited 亞寶(香港)有限公司 於2003年在香港註冊成立,初期專為各大品牌代工生產真皮皮帶及皮革小物,後期我們於2008年建立 ebelt 品牌,開始自行生產適合本地消費者的產品,並於各大百貨公司開設銷售專櫃,希望為消費者帶來更耐用而且更有品味的皮具產品。 我們除了提供各式用料造的皮帶和銀包外,還同日本品牌Unofuku 株式会社 合作, 於香港銷售其所有系列的公事包及背包。除了日本袋外, 我們還成為瑞典品牌 - Fjallraven 北極狐 (俗稱狐狸袋)的香港授權分銷商。 經我們所售賣的產品都有原廠保證。 EBELT 香港品牌已經由實體店擴展為網上商店,並於HKTV Mall 設立官方網站,方便大家隨時隨地都可以購買合適的皮具用品。 我們會致力開拓新產品,並會以更優惠更優質的產品服務大家。
You may find our sales points at 寄銷分店 :
Metropole - North Point (北角新都城百貨 1/F - 北角英皇道416-426號)- Fjallraven 狐狸袋售賣點
Wing On - Sheung Wan (永安百貨 - 上環)- Unofuku 日本袋售賣點
Wing On - Tsim Sha Tsui East (永安百貨 - 尖沙嘴東)- Unofuku 日本袋售賣點
Sincere - West Kowloon (先施百貨 - 深水埗西九龍中心)
Yue Hwa - Jordan (裕華國貨 1/F - 佐敦彌敦道)CitiStores - Tsuen Wan (千色店 1/F - 荃灣)
Shop photo from Metropole Department Store 1/F (North Point)
Customer Hotline 客戶服務: 852 - 53774213
WhatsApp : 53774213
公司地址: 葵涌業成街18號星星中心18樓1817室
Email 電郵 : info@ebelt.com.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ebelthk
Instagram: ebelthk