Free laser engrave, create your own graphics or wordings! 免費刻字或圖片服務
Free laser engrave is available now for all the leather items purchased online. You may create your own wordings, handwriting, or even a sketch in jpg for us to engrave...
Welcome to our store
Fjallraven Items only available at online shop and Metropole shop 狐狸袋只在網店和北角新都城百貨出售
本店專營瑞典品牌Fjallraven [狐狸袋] 及日本人氣品牌バジエックス公事包,背包及斜孭袋包等各種日本包包。 另外,我們更成立自家香港本土品牌,採用不同種類真皮皮革製作各款錢包皮夾,皮帶及公事包,希望給大家帶來一些皮氣。自2008年成立至今,宗旨都是把優質產品帶給大家。
Our shop is an authorised seller for Fjallraven Bags and Japan Brand - Unofuku Baggex. All the bags are direct from Sweden and Japan. We also developed our own brand for leather goods such as Belts, Wallets and Briefcases. As a Hong Kong local brand since 2008, we hope our products bring you a quality living.
Ben Lo
Pepsi C.
"Having a very good shopping experience and very helpful"
Vincent L.
Tai C.
"Just finished payment at 11pm. The wallet arrive the SF station on the next day evening. Highly efficient order processing."
Rebecca H.
"Very good leather belt! I think this will last ten years or more. Excellent!"
John M.